Outlining Kingstar’s Audience-First approach to programmatic advertising

June 18, 2024
Outlining Kingstar’s Audience-First approach to programmatic advertising

In traditional advertising, when you're airing ads on TV or radio, an audience-first approach isn't feasible because you're essentially purchasing the entire program's viewership. Take, for instance, advertising during a Food Network program; your ad reaches everyone tuning in, spanning various demographics from teenagers to parents. However, if you aim to target a specific group, say males aged 50 and above, a considerable portion of your ad spend would be wasted on viewers outside that demographic.

Our approach to programmatic advertising prioritizes the audience from the outset. We select our audience using a blend of third-party data from reputable sources like Experian or Data Alliance, and first-party data provided by the brand or advertiser, including customer lists and pixel data. Starting with this refined audience, we then identify suitable ad placements.

For instance, if our target audience is males aged 50+, we employ third-party data to exclusively target this group. Additionally, we can incorporate behavioral interests, such as being a father or grandfather, to further hone our audience. Once our audience parameters are established, we proceed to select the appropriate supply channels, which may include premium video display or connected TV.

Serving ads only to men aged 50 and over through these channels helps us cut wasted spend and spend budgets as efficiently as possible. 
On the flip side, if we target all adults 18 and up, we end up spending more and not reaching our intended audience. While some might try this broad approach in programmatic advertising, it usually means wasting budget unless the brand is focused on broad awareness.

At Kingstar Media, we've seen that focusing on the audience first gets better results, especially when we're pushing for specific down funnel conversions.